Tab Archive

Posted on Sep 1, 2024

There’s a great Scott Aaronson post here where with typical candour he explains how much time it takes just to keep on top of his regular readings. In a similar vein, I accumulate more interesting things I want to read than I could possibly have time for (I already spend ~all my free time reading when I should be building things instead).

Accumulating a ton of stuff I feel I should read makes me anxious, but spending all day avoiding my work and personal responsibilities so I can joylessly crunch through a PEFT walkthrough feels worse. As a compromise, each month all open tabs get swept into a text file and put here. No endorsement is implied, caveat clickor, link rot means half might be broken, etc. - this is purely archival, so I can remember what I was interested in at a given point in time, and so that if I ever need to find an old article I have a place to look.